There are various types of psychedelics, which can be broken down into the form that you consume the substance and its chemical structure. The different usage types are:
Chemical structure varies for each psychedelic. Some contain the compounds that are also in alcohol. As such, these create a similar effect, but without the hangover, dehydration, or nausea. Others directly mimic the substances in LSD, but the psychedelic itself is different. However, the effect is practically the same. There are also substances that contain LSA, a substance that changes your sense of awareness in a variety of ways. You may see things differently than they are and think about them differently.
Psychedelics will make you hallucinate. This can happen in a number of ways. Some people only see moving images, while others begin to view the world in a totally different way. Hallucination is typically a fun experience. However, people can also have a bad trip. This is a trip that causes fear, sadness or other negative emotions. For this reason, it is important to use these substances in the company of people you trust.
Do you have any questions about our selection or using the psychedelics? Don’t hesitate to contact us!